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  • nesitaschmitd


But it wasn't my fault. For so long I have convinced myself that I was to blame, but no, this mold did not birth from nothing. It was summoned, cultivated and planted here. Before, I thought it was impossible- it flourishes in the foundation, in the cracks and seams of every baseboard, of every wall! But it wasn't me. If I had only been more thoughtful I would have seen the claw marks of a dark fiend. It was him! The raven of which I believed was a mere friend through my sorrow- the raven whom called for my loves demise, who peeks through my window at the walls I have refused to let crumble down. He planted the moss and mold and so it has grown, but he did not anticipate one thing- the moss and mold he sent to crumble my house has replaced every inch of it's foundation. It has replaced my sheets and so I sleep in its embrace- my food and bread so I feast on it every night. For years now this mold has festered and thrived, an ecosystem I have lived in fear of- but now mearly live inside. But thats not all that thrives. The raven thought the mice that keep me company in this lonely home would breathe the spores into their lungs and fall victim to it's plans but no! They live and they crawl around as I keep this moss and mold alive and watch! When I have my way with that wretched raven this house of mold will treat its carcass as a welcome feast- and once it's decayed and sickly green this house of mold and moss will begin to sprout with marigolds. And the scared mice will turn to enlightened swans and I will finally be whole. But first, oh first, that wretched raven must come and face the monster it has created, for this raven asked for one request which has yet to be fufilled: for all the men in love with me to be consumed by the mold it planted. That man you thought was a mouse, my friend, was your soul and yours alone. And once I find my way out of the mice's maze, I will estinguish your life as you deserve.

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