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  • nesitaschmitd


I'm Inés, Nesita's younger sister! She and I are nine years apart- despite that, she's 100% my BFF!! Ama (aka our mama <3) chose to name me Inés bcause it's like, a different form of the name Nesita I think? I like that little fact; it's just another reason she and I are so close! I've been seeing your guys's sweet comments to my sister, which I really really appreciate! She's been through a lot and deserves some of that good positive energy ✨! Everyone wish my sis a happy birthday!! Ness and I are gonna go see a movie with her friend Bertie, and then head to the hair salon after to get matching styles ❤️ (Which Ness needs- her hair has been looking oddly patchy lately LOL But my fav local hairdresser will do her good! 😊 ). After that, we'll go to our parent's house for some yummy enchiladas, and Bertie's birthday vanilla cake! HAPPY B-DAY NESSI!!!

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