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  • nesitaschmitd

Birthday high!

Hello friends! Thank you for all of the birthday wishes! I'm very lucky to have so many digital friends here :)! My birthday went spectacularly! I'm so grateful for Inés; she's an amazing sister. Oh, I'll miss her so much!! Have fun in Spain, Inés! I'm sure you'll do great things! And, of course, my best friend Bertie (Bernard B. Hernandez ;)). I hope you all enjoyed his vanilla cake recipe! He and I have been friends since high school- And he was William's friend since elementary school! I remember everyone would call him 'Bernie Bert', as his first and middle names had similar nicknames, LOL! William would always call him Bernard, though; he was always very serious! Bernie was the opposite- he's always been so whimsical and relaxed. That's why they were such a great duo! Luckily, I am a mix of whimsical and serious, so I fit right in with them! Enough reminiscing, though- Bertrum, I know you were embarrassed that you couldn't find the right gift for me this year, but I want you- and everyone- to know the support and love you've shown me through the years is enough for me. I will always be grateful to have you in my life.

Oh, and before I forget- Carson, thank you for the flowers, I love marigolds :)

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