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Moodboards are a fun mindfulness activity! They can be physical or digital, whichever floats your boat! I prefer physical, but mostly because I'm not the best with tech lol... huge thanks to my friend Nesita for helping me set up this website :). Anyway, I usually just grab free newspapers from the city streets I visit, which is a super easy way to get materials for mood boards! Or, if you're more on the artistic side, you can add your own doodles! Here are a few of my moodboards for inspiration <3




This is a mood board of things I like using magazine clippings! It's full of cute animals and delicious-looking baked goods! There's seriously nothing better than a freshly baked plate of cookies :) 


Rainy vibes 

When it rains, I like to reflect on past traumas or stressors in my life- so this mood board represents that. I still remember having to console my brother when his closest friend passed away... it hurt seeing my brother so devestated :( Always make sure to make plenty of memories with those you love most! 

Leaves Shadow


For You

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